Helio Lunar Astronomical Complex of Chankillo located in the province of Casma in the department of Ancash, with an age of 2,300 years. For its time, Chankillo functioned as the most sophisticated Helium Lunar Observatories. Furthermore, Chankillo was a planned architectural complex of monumental character, which simultaneously has attributes of a ritual, administrative and defensive center.
Ivan Ghezzi
15 km south of the city of Casma, in the middle of the desert, rise some enigmatic 2,300-year-old stone structures: a ceremonial center that includes an imposing fortress and thirteen towers that form a “toothed” artificial horizon that Mark the positions of the sun. Recent research shows that these constructions are exactly related to the movement of the sun throughout the year, which proves that they served as a solar calendar for the ancient inhabitants of the area. This discovery inserts Chankillo in the small and exclusive list of the most
ancient of the world.
ancient of the world.
It has been postulated that the Thirteen Towers, a row of thirteen constructions on the top of a hill in Chankillo, Casma, may have functioned in an analogous manner to the Inca Pillars of the Sun; that is, as horizon markers that, seen from a fixed point, were aligned with the sun on specific dates (Ghezzi and Ruggles 2007).
The 13 towers create an artificial horizon divided at regular intervals by deep, narrow cuts formed by the spaces between them. When the west observation point was used, the sun rose for only one or two days in each space between the towers.
The regularity between these spaces suggests that the calendar was divided into equal intervals. Sunrises in the spaces between towers 3 and 11 were separated by periods of approximately ten days, implying that the solar year may have been divided into regular intervals. However, these time intervals are longer between the extreme towers: 1-2 and 12-13, because when the sun reaches this position close to the solstice, it moves more slowly with respect to the horizon.
The constructions are based on abundant quartz crystal
We have a director of the Decentralized Culture - Ministry of Culture who does not fulfill her direction according to the circumstances of the department of Ancash, our Archaeological monuments are neglected, abandoned, there are no signs, there is no management.
DIRCETUR ANCASH equals zero in tourism development projects, because they do not know more than a simple visit for the position.
There is no time to stop exploring the tourist circuits.

– Author: Porfirio Cacha –